1.05 Sacred Spaces (with mayer rus and phil lamarr)

This week Rabbi Shira and Joshua are joined by Architectural Digest’s Mayer Rus. Together they look at the weekly Torah portion, Terumah, and consider the specificity of the instructions for constructing the Tabernacle, the portable sanctuary for worship built by the Israelites in the desert.

Episode Timecodes:

(17:47) Mayer Rus Interview

(37:58) Special Guest to define Hebrew/Yiddish terms used in the episode

(42:07) Rabbi Shira’s Guided Meditation

Show notes: 

1) Exodus 25:8-10

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1.06 ancient magic 8 ball (with Jonathan Greenblatt, melissa merwin-malina, and russell shaw)


1.04 De-emphasizing the Truth (with rep. jamie raskin and mary mccormack)