1.17 Blue and White and Gray (with Leah Solomon and Layla Alsheikh)

Rabbi Shira and Joshua welcome Israeli and Palestinian guests to the podcast to engage in an inclusive and nuanced conversation around Yom HaZikaron and Yom Ha’atzmaut.

Episode Timecodes:

(6:15) Leah Solomon Interview

(38:18) Layla Alsheikh Interview

(60:45) Reading the names of those who recently were killed in the region

Show notes: 

1) Leah Solomon

2) Layla Alsheikh

3) Encounter

4) The Parents Circle

5) Fredrick Douglass 1852 Speech

6) Emma Lazarus Quote

7) Joint Memorial Day Ceremony

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1.18 The Uncomfortable Middle: Jeffrey Goldberg on his visit with Volodymyr Zelensky


1.16 I Want You to Know We Are Still Here (with Esther Safran Foer & Franklin Foer)