1.21 Shavuot? What's That? (with Rabba Yaffa Epstein & Rabbi David Schuck)

Rabbi Shira and Joshua shine a spotlight on the surprisingly esoteric Jewish holiday of Shavuot, which is coming up in early June. A tradition of the holiday is to stay up all night studying Torah and in that spirit, we welcome on Rabba Yaffa Epstein and Rabbi David Schuck.

Episode Timecodes:

(00:00) Rabbi Shira’s thoughts after the shooting in Texas

(13:44) Rabba Yaffa Epstein and Rabbis David Schuck join the show

(46:01) Rabbi Shira's Guided Meditation and Counting of the Omer

Show notes: 

1) Rabba Yaffa Epstein

2) Rabbi David Schuck

3) "Top Secret!" Film

4) Link to Buy Tickets to Our Live Show July 31st in St. Paul


1.22 Nazirite...Amirite?


1.20 The Jewish Movement for Abortion Justice (with Sheila Katz)