2.07 It Could Be Worse (with Jodi Rudoren)

Rabbi Shira and Joshua react to Election Night and tie it into this week's Torah portion of Vayera. We also welcome on Jodi Rudoren, editor in chief of The Forward, to discuss how she handles criticism from all corners of the Internet, her experiences at the New York Times, and her take on the hamentashen vs. latke debate.

Episode Timecodes:

(15:30) Jodi Rudoren Interview

(41:45) Rabbi Shira's Guided Meditation

Show notes: 

1) Chutzpod! Merch

2) Pastrami filled Kishka

3) Table tents

4) Hamentashen vs. Latkes

5) Ben Smith

6) Texas Tribune Festival

7) Pew Research on Jewish Identity

8) Mordecai Kaplan

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2.08 "Chayei Sarah Sarah" (with Sarah Podemski)


2.06 A World Aflame