2.13 I've Been to the Mountaintop (with Evan Traylor)

We've begun the book of Exodus just in time to mark Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday and the 1960s Civil Rights Movement. This first parsha packs a lot in: Moses' birth, growing up Egyptian, the burning bush, and starting to fight against oppression. But it's the Hebrew and Egyptian women who really spark the first acts of civil disobedience--getting into good trouble. Learn more about the connections between MLK and the Civil Rights Movement and Exodus by listening today!

Episode Timecodes:

(39:00) Guided Meditation by Rabbinic Student Evan Traylord

Show notes: 

1) Prince of Egypt

2) "Rugrats" Passover Episode

3) Ofra Haza

4) Dorothy Height

5) Ruby Bridges

6) MLK Letter from Birmingham Jail in 1963

7) West Wing "Rock the Vote" Episode

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2.14 Vicious Squiggles


2.12 Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Forgiveness