2.15 Hardening Our Own Hearts — and Pharaoh's, too

Rabbi Shira and Joshua delve into the final three plagues and the Hebrews' liberation from Egyptian slavery. The story is difficult to digest — the last three plagues are devastating. Does the pursuit of justice require violence? Who really hardened Pharoah's heart? And should the new Chutzpod merch have a slash of lamb's blood on it? Listen now to find out.

Episode Timecodes:

(38:00) Rabbi Shira’s Guided Meditation

Show notes: 

1) Last Year's Discussion of Parsha Bo

2) How to Hang a Mezuzah


2.16 Tu Bishvat and Food Justice (with Abby Leibman and Dr. Adrienne Krone)


2.14 Vicious Squiggles