2.24 Genocide is Not Just a Museum Piece

On this week's episode Joshua and Rabbi Shira dig into two important observances in Judaism: Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) and counting the Omer. Learn more about the modern observance of Yom Hashoah, Jewish conversion during World War II, and what lessons we can learn for today. We also discuss Leopoldstadt, the Broadway play that Joshua now stars in, and how it's just as relevant as ever. Also learn about what the heck the Omer is, why we count it and how!

Show notes: 

1) Yom Hashoah

2) A Guide to Counting the Omer

3) Weitzman National Museum of American Jewish History

4) Hillel Sandwich

5) Yom Hashoah in Tel Aviv

6) Sir Tom Stoppard's Background

7) Theodore Herzl's "Der Judenstaat"

8) Madeline Albright Finds Out About Jewish Ancestors

9) Six-Day War

10) Patron Silver Tequila

11) Remember: A Song for Yom Hashoah

12) Yad Vashem

13) U.S. Holocaust Museum

14) Malina Family Omer Counter:

Malina Family Omer Counter

2.25 Are you There God? It's Me Tazria- Metzora


2.23 The Exodus Must Continue (with Noel Gomez & Korin Arkin)