1.24 Pride Month (with Michael Twitty)

This week the Rabbi and Joshua speak to an unforgettably unique guest, author Michael Twitty as this weekend is "NYC Pride". Michael is an African-American Jew, who identifies with the LGBTQ community, and has an upcoming book titled: "Koshersoul: The Faith and Food Journey of an African American Jew".

Episode Timecodes:

(08:30) Michael Twitty Interview

(37:35) Rabbi Shira's Guided Meditation

Show notes: 

1) Koshersoul: The Faith and Food Journey of an African American Jew

2) The Cooking Gene

3) B'Nai Or Tallit

4) Walmart Juneteenth Ice Cream


1.25 Roe Overturned (with Rabbi Lauren Holtzblatt, Rabba Sara Hurwitz, Rabbi Annie Lewis, & George Newbern)


1.23 Love the Stranger As Yourself (with Mark Hetfield & Melanie Nezer)