1.25 Roe Overturned (with Rabbi Lauren Holtzblatt, Rabba Sara Hurwitz, Rabbi Annie Lewis, & George Newbern)

After the Supreme Court's ruling, Rabbi Shira and Joshua welcome three esteemed rabbis to take a look at some Jewish text in an effort to contemplate the court's decision, and frame a Jewish response.

Episode Timecodes:

(06:05) Rabbi Lauren Holtzblatt and Rabba Sara Hurwitz join the show

(31:30) George Newbern defines the Hebrew/Yiddish terms in our episode

(36:15) Rabbi Annie Lewis Guest Meditation

Show notes: 

1) NCJW Jewish Fund for Abortion Access

2) Rabbi Lauren Holtzblatt

3) Rabba Sara Hurwitz

4) Rabbi Annie Lewis

5) "We Rise" by Batya Levine

6) Synagogue Sues Florida

7) Photos of Protests after the Supreme Court Decision


1.26 Speak the Speech, I Pray You (with Sarah Hurwitz)


1.24 Pride Month (with Michael Twitty)